Have You Experienced Property Damage?
The most common property related claims are caused by water, wind and fire. Property damage can also be caused by robbery or vandalism.
Our Licensed Public Adjusters are extremely knowledgeable and experienced in property damage claims documentation, claims processing, code requirements, current insurance law and insurance policy review.
Our mission is to ensure your interests are protected while getting the payment you deserve.
Underpaid or Denied?
Insurance companies want to save money by either offering the policyholder a fraction of the correct value of a claim or simply denying the claim.
We Can Re-Open Your Claim
Do you feel your previous insurance claim was underpaid or wrongly denied? You have 3 years from the original date of loss to reopen a claim.
We Work For You
If you have been wrongly denied or underpaid with a hurricane insurance claim, we can reopen your claim & get you a fairer, often larger settlement.